Novetus executed a Relief System analysis for over 400 relief devices at a Houston Refinery. The objective of this project was to generate overpressure protection design basis documentation and analysis for the plant that complied with client internal standards, OSHA 1910.119, as well as recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices (RAGAGEP).
In addition, Novetus resolved and/or mitigating the identified Relief System concerns/design flaws from relief system analyzes and provided the best and safest way to mitigate these issues. Novetus executed the detailed engineering and provided the construction packages for the mitigations that required field modifications.
A typical Novetus pressure relief system analysis project consists of the following scope:
- Definition of Project Guidelines: Define and document the methodologies, algorithms, and assumptions to be applied during the analysis.
- Data Collection: Perform all required data gathering activities and use qualified personnel familiar with equipment and pressure relief system design in the data collection process.
- System Analysis: Systematically identify all credible contingencies for each system along with the pressure relief devices that provide protection for each contingency and quantify the relief requirements for each identified contingency.
- Effluent Handling System Analysis: Identify global contingencies that result in multiple pressure relief discharges to common effluent handling systems and analyze the adequacy of said system.
- Presenting Results: Develop a list of all discrepancies identified in the existing facility.
- Engineering Analysis: This analysis is conducted within the framework of an existing risk assessment methodology and will determine if the concerns can be mitigated without field modifications. Novetus will update the relief valve system files, for those concerns that the detailed engineering analysis identified as not requiring mitigation, to reflect those findings.
- Mitigation Analysis: Where the engineering evaluation warrants change, Novetus will evaluate possible options to remedy the concern. The evaluation will include a field survey to ensure that all recommendations are practical to implement.